2016年4月6日 星期三

2015 Yosemite National Park — 8/10 Mirror Lake (一)

事前查詢過這個景點的資料,也在網路上詢問了網友,但遺憾的是,印象中是個很輕而易舉能走到的Trail,在下了Shuttle Bus(站牌#17)之後竟然忘了【雷神大大】有寫道這是條鋪柏油可以騎腳踏車的路。

是的,我選錯了路(這真要怪公園當局指示牌寫得不清不楚),看這那條鋪著柏油的馬路,我遲疑了,研究地圖時也沒細看,我竟然選擇走Tenaya Canyon(Creek) Loop!(若不是此時乾旱水量小,我大概要真得繞一大圈才能走到鋪著柏油的正確景點)

Distance: 2.4 miles (3.8 km) round trip from the trailhead to Mirror Lake; 5 miles (8 km) to go all the way to the end of the trail in Tenaya Canyon and loop around.

Elevation at trailhead: 4,000 feet (1,220 meters)
Elevation Gain: 100 feet (30 meters)
Hiking Time:1 - 3 hours

Why visit Mirror Lake? Not to see a lake, that's for sure. Mirror Lake is in fact just a big pool in Tenaya Creek. It is a pleasant walk, and about as close as you can get to the base of Half Dome, whose crown you can see reflected in the lake's waters from some locations. Mirror Lake is also one of Yosemite's most popular swimming holes.

Scenery Summary:It's a pretty hike, but probably not worthy of the heavy crowds it draws in the summer. Like the least house in an exclusive neighborhood, this hike gets overvalued (and over visited) because it's in Yosemite Valley. The pool at Mirror Lake and the view of Mt. Watkins (8,500 feet/2,600 meters), which rises above the far north end of Tenaya Canyon, are the scenic highlights. Although you get very close to the base of Half Dome here, it's probably not the best angle to see it from - after all, who does look good when you're gazing straight up their nostrils?

Crowd Factor: Mirror Lake is the biggest swimming hole in Yosemite, so you'll find all shapes, sizes, and textures of people here.

Difficulty: Easy. There's not a lot of climbing, and much of the trail is paved - you can even ride your bike most of the way to Mirror Lake.

Best Time to Visit: If you're a swimmer, whenever it's hot out. Otherwise, go in the winter winter, when the trail is still open but it's not nearly so crowded.

以上資訊主要是針對那條鋪柏油的Trail,那條路直接鋪到Mirror Lake,所以騎腳踏車、嬰兒車甚至輪椅都是可行的。














