2015年9月23日 星期三

2013 Canyon Creek Meadows — 7/19 Bend→Sisters

離開了Devils Lake,幾乎是從高處逐漸往平地開,原先單線雙向的車道不知為何突然成了多線的康莊大道。路上騎自行車的、汽車拖著小船的,突然出現,怎麼所有的遊客竟然都一下子出現在這附近,不明所以!

這幾天為了寫部落格上網查資料才知道,原來Cascade Lakes Scenic Byway從Devils Lake到Mt. Bachelor這段較高海拔之處,冬天是封閉的。而道路之所以從Mt. Bachelor開始修築成康莊大道,應該是專門為了因應上Mt. Bachelor滑雪及遊玩的人潮。(難怪這附近好多度假的高級別墅在出租)


Bend is located on the eastern edge of the Cascade Range along the Deschutes River. Here the Ponderosa Pine forest transitions into the High_Desert, characterized by arid land, junipers,sagebrush, and bitter-brush. Originally a crossing point on the river, settlement began in the early 1900s. Bend was incorporated as a city in 1905. Economically, it started as a logging town but is now identified as a gateway for many outdoor sports, including mountain biking,fishing,hiking,camping,rock climbing,white-water rafting,skiing,paragliding, and golf.


這座高大雄偉的山應該就是Mt. Jefferson。

這奧勒岡州第二高山(第一高是Mt. Hood)

到了Sisters,Three Sisters立刻印入眼簾!

由左而右是,Broken Top,South Sister(中間),Middle Sister(左側較小的那個),North Sister(最左側)。

North Sister是十分危險的一座山,有個登山客如此形容
Mount Hood claims a lot more lives than other Oregon mountains, mainly because the mountain's convenient access attracts a tremendous amount of climbing attempts.
North Sister is much more dangerous, when comparing the simplest routes, than Mount Hood, but fortunately fatalities are relatively infrequent.
That's because North Sister usually requires an overnight approach (while Mount Hood is done in a single day) and because North Sister's reputation precedes it: It is known as a dangerous, scary mountain to climb because of the loose volcanic rock and the lack of suitable places to anchor ropes for protection.

這是Broken Top



當然知道他們必須靠觀光客賺錢,但是過多的觀光客(許多看起來就不是熱愛戶外運動的),一家家小商店賣著和其他地方類似的紀念品(當然有Three Sisters專屬的T恤),讓我們連下車進去逛逛的動機都沒有。



