2020年3月11日 星期三

2019 Great Smoky Mountains National Park -- 5/13 Clingmans Dome (二)

從停車場開始走,是一路直上的斜坡(至少30度), 然後在路的盡頭看見了這個建築物. 一個360度旋轉的水泥斜坡,一路高升帶我們直達三層樓高的高塔.

At 6,643 feet, Clingmans Dome is Great Smoky Mountains National Park's highest point. It is the highest point in Tennessee, and the second highest point east of the Mississippi. Only North Carolina's Mt. Mitchell (6,684 feet) rises higher.

Clingmans Dome is a popular Park destination. Located along the state-line ridge, it is half in North Carolina and half in Tennessee. The peak is accessible after driving Clingmans Dome Road from Newfound Gap, and then walking a steep half-mile trail. A paved trail leads to a 54-foot observation tower.

The Appalachian Trail crosses Clingmans Dome, marking the highest point along its 2,144 mile journey. Vistas from Clingmans Dome are spectacular.

順著水泥斜坡往上走, 我們的視野也越來越高, 高不可攀的大樹竟然在我們身旁!


As part of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Clingmans Dome is famous for its concrete observation tower which offers visitors a majestic view of the Smokies in all directions. Clingmans Dome is actually half in North Carolina and half in Tennessee and it is a favored spot for vacationers to this area. The secret to enjoying a trip to Clingmans Dome is in the preparation for the trek to the observation tower.

這邊的霧很濃,風也很大,氣溫相對低了好多. 我拉長鏡頭幫老公和女兒照相, 早已習慣伊利諾寒冬的女兒竟然冷得發抖,只怪她小看了這山裡的氣溫.

走上塔頂, 指示牌說明著各個山頭的相關位置,

本想好好研究, 但寒風呼呼,還真沒幾個人能頂得住!

All you need to do to access the observation tower is to drive to the area (7 miles on the Newfound Gap Road) and park in the lot — there is plenty of parking — and hike in (it’s about a half mile hike on a paved path).

A trip to Clingmans Dome can be a great way to enjoy nature high above Gatlinburg.

While some visitors report that they were able to push strollers on the half mile hike to the observation tower, others mention that the hike is a bit rigorous, especially if there are people in your party with health problems.

The hike can be a bit strenuous for them, there are benches located along the path to the observation tower. The walk in itself is picturesque, so a good idea would be to enjoy the scenery along the way and take it easy to the observation tower area. As you near the tower there is a winding concrete ramp that gradually will bring you from the parking lot to the top of the observation tower.

對於有懼高症的遊客這是一個不小的挑戰, 而我是一直在思考,這樣的高度會引起高山症嗎?據我所收集的高山症資訊中寫道, 高山症不一定非得在類似喜馬拉亞山這般的高山上才會發作,


照理6643 ft.(2024公尺) 應該還不至於造成高山症反應,但加上這個高塔高度和寒風, 還真的讓人無法不小心.

往回走, 依依不捨地在江浙路標指細端詳一遍,誰知道何時還能再來呢?


