2015年5月26日 星期二

2013 Crater Lake National Park Travel — 7/17 Klamath Falls→ Crater Lake N.P.

沒有深究Klamath Falls這裡是否真的有瀑布,因為大部分的人也和我們一樣,當這裡是個歇腳處,目的地都是Crater Lake National Park,這裡相對之下就遜色多了!


這裡應該是Upper Klamath Lake,又是一個大湖,就這麼趕路般的開過,能有啥感覺呢!



在網路上買了本Oregon Hiking Trail詳細介紹,看了十分心動,發覺這個州除了瀑布多之外,大小湖泊也不少,難怪州名的印地安語意就是【美麗之水】(指的是哥倫比亞河)

接近Crater Lake,看到一個奇怪的地質景觀。

Fossil Fumaroles,因為不是學地質的只能用Google翻譯知道是【化石噴氣孔】。


The history of the strange rock formations in
front of you began about 7,700 years ago
when the eruptions of Mt. Mazama were reaching
their climax. Torrents of red-hot, gas-charged
pumice poured down Mazama's slopes at speeds
of up to 100 mph (160kph). On top of this came
a flow of heavier rocks called scoria. These
glowing avalanches flooded downslope for many
miles, leaving deep deposits in their wake.
Temperatures in the deposits may have
exceeded 750 F (400 C). Plumes of vapors
appeared, as gasses escaped from the settling
rocks through vents called fumaroles. Minerals
in the gasses, combined with extreme heat,
welded the sides of the fumaroles in the shape
of slender cones. Since then, Annie Creek has
eroded a canyon through the deposits, exposing
the foxxil fumaroles as pinnacles and columns.
The depth of the canyon here at Godfrey Glen
is about 250 feet (75m).


